Solving water loss for life

Water network performance solutions

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One community, one purpose

How we're already helping to solve water loss globally

Anergy network, Switzerland

  • Ecological energy from the lake/sustainable heating and cooling anergy network To meet the requirements of a sustainable energy policy, Swiss municipality EWL is using ecological energy from Lake Lucerne as a sustainable heat carrier for heating and cooling of 7,000 households.


  • RAJA S.A. CONSTANTA partnered with GF Romania to reduce water losses and pipe bursts in Constanta, Romania, using a pressure management solution with a prefabricated plastic chamber, a flowmeter, and a NeoFlow Pressure Reducing Valve, successfully lowering pressure from 3.9 to 1.8 bar and flow rate from 44 to 26 m³/h.
  • The project reduced non-revenue water (NRW) by at least 30%, saved up to 27 m³/h (~€75,000/year), improved quality of service and life, and enabled OPEX reductions for reinvestment in water infrastructure and NRW reduction strategies.

HSY Helsinki, Finland

  • GF Piping Systems supported the Finish utility, Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY), to operate a reliable water supply system while complying with stringent environmental objectives.
  • GF Piping Systems provided data on the CO2 footprint of ELGEF Plus fittings, PE systems that highlighted the reduction in CO2 emissions by more than 80% when compared to metal systems.

FARYS Water Utility, Belgium

  • Retrofitting of large diameter transport lines in densely populated city areas often confronts water utility companies with major challenges.
  • The trenchless installation, combined with Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) minimized risks and increased peace of mind.


Solving Water Loss for Life Webcast Series

Experience exciting panel discussions, captivating keynotes, talking about non-revenue water challenges.

Water Network solutions for Utilities

Our technology is about delivering the right tools, fittings, know-how and sufficient pressure at any point in the network, at any time

Planning Fundamentals Utility

Our engineering manuals contain detailed information on materials, dimensioning, application techniques, approvals and standards and provide access to a storehouse of additional knowledge.

Everything is connected - Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure

GF Piping Systems is committed to enabling the safe and sustainable transport of water, gas and chemicals. Only by considering the needs of all key stakeholders can the company, the planet, and society at large thrive in the long term.

Condition Analysis

Specialized insight: Performance assured, for your peace of mind. This attention to detail enables informed decisions throughout a project's operation.